Mineral nutrition of vegetable crops: XXV - Mineral nutrition of new zealand spinach plant (Tetragonia expansa Murr.)


  • M. do Carmo Thomaz Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias do Pará
  • H.P. Haag USP; E.S.A. Luiz de Queiroz; Departamento de Química
  • G.D. de Oliveira USP; E.S.A. Luiz de Queiroz; Departamento de Química
  • J.R. Sarruge USP; E.S.A. Luiz de Queiroz; Departamento de Química




The present work was carried out in order to study: a - the effect of omission and presence of the macronutrients and boron on the growth of the plants; b - deficiency symptoms of macronutrients, as well of boron; c - the effect of the deficiency of each nutrient on the chemical composition of the plants. Young spinach plants were grown in pots containing pure quartz sand. Several times a day the plants were irrigated by percolation with nutrient solutions. The treatments were: complete solution and deficient solution, in which each one of the macronutrients was omitted as well boron. Soon as the malnutrition symptoms appered, the plants were harvested and analysed chemically. - symptoms of malnutrition are easily observed for N, K, Ca and B. - symptoms of malnutrition for P, S and Mg are not easily identified. - the nutrient content, in dry matter, in deficient leaves and healthy leaves is:


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How to Cite

Thomaz, M. do C., Haag, H., Oliveira, G. de, & Sarruge, J. (1975). Mineral nutrition of vegetable crops: XXV - Mineral nutrition of new zealand spinach plant (Tetragonia expansa Murr.) . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 32, 205-231. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0071-12761975000100017