Mineral nutrition of vegetable crops LXXI: Absorption of micronutrients by muskmelon plants cultivated in a yellow red latosol in presidente venceslau - SP, Brazil


  • Cristovam Colombo Belfort Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Henrique Paulo Haag USP; E.S.A. Luiz de Queiroz
  • Toshino Matsumoto USP; E.S.A.Luiz de Queiroz
  • Antonio Roque Dechen USP; E.S.A. Luiz de Queiroz




An experiment was carried out under field conditions to determine: - Concentration and consequent accumulation of micronutrients in the aereal parts of the plant at different growth stages; - Exportation of the micronutrients at fruit harvesting, at the time of consumption. The experiment consisted of sampling at five growth stages - 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 days after emergence - of competitive plants, which were cut at ground level, divided into stem and branches, leaves, flowers and fruits. The material was dried and analysed for B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. It was cocluded that: - The concentration of nutrients in the aereal parts varied according to the age and part considered; - At 75 days, the aereal part accumulated, in milligrams per plant: 0.033 B, 0.172 Cu, 0.199 Fe, 0.109 Mn and 0.042 Zn; - In one-ton harvest the fruits exported: 1.67 g B, 1.07 g Cu, 2.51 g Fe, 1.2 g Mn and 2.3 g Zn.


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How to Cite

Belfort, C. C., Haag, H. P., Matsumoto, T., & Dechen, A. R. (1986). Mineral nutrition of vegetable crops LXXI: Absorption of micronutrients by muskmelon plants cultivated in a yellow red latosol in presidente venceslau - SP, Brazil . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 43(2), 319-364. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0071-12761986000200002