Possibilities and limits of the "Citizenship Territories" program based on its performance in the "Central Region" territory and in Santa Maria city/ RS


  • Ananda de de Carvalho Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM
  • Cesar De David Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM




Citizenship Territories, Territorial Development, Public policies, Territory Central Region, Santa Maria/RS


This article aims to identify through the study of Territory Central Region/RS and the examples found in Santa Maria, the effects of the deployment of the program areas of Citizenship. This analysis was organized into four components: a) the firstly, a theoretical research was carried out; b) second, an analysis of documents produced by the program; c) the third section was basedin field research participants, in visitations to the entities benefitting from the program in Santa Maria city, as well as application of questionnaires for the subjects involved; d) finally, the last section of this research tried to systematize the data, by analyzing them in a critical.As a result, it was found that the Citizenship Territories Program, it does give the opportunity to the civil society organizations to intervene in the course of state actions, besides subsidizing the democratization of access to basic rights. The case of Santa Maria city, in particular, has helped to strengthen cooperatives and rural workers’ union. Regarding the Central Region Territory / RS, it was found that it has been consolidating as a representative institution of the disposed rural areas, although there are politicalconflicts and realities socially and environmentally distinct.


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How to Cite

Possibilities and limits of the "Citizenship Territories" program based on its performance in the "Central Region" territory and in Santa Maria city/ RS. (2011). Agrária (São Paulo. Online), 14, 55-77. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1808-1150.v0i14p55-77