Identification and characterisation of potential drug interaction in a Hospital in Jundiai, Sao Paulo State




Drug Interaction, Polypharmacy, Medicine interaction


To identify and characterize the most frequent Drug Interaction (DI) in a Jundiaí Hospital. Exploratory, descriptive, and analytical cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. The source of the study is 100 prescriptions made by the medical service of a hospital in Jundiaí, dispensed from August to October 2018, by the pharmacy of the mentioned hospital for palliative care, mental health, and emergency care. Data plotting in Excel. Of the 100 prescriptions analyzed 60 had at least one type of interaction, 164 DI were found, 14.6% severe, 67.7% moderate, 17.1% minor and 0.6% unspecified. The mechanism of interaction that most appeared in the study was pharmacodynamics, 54.3%, pharmacokinetics were present in 34.1% of DI and 11.6% were not specified. The group most affected by DI was male 33% of prescriptions, female 27%, and 40% showed no interactions. The age group with the most interactions was from 50 to 59 years old. Of the prescriptions that had MI, those with 4 or more interactions were the ones that prevailed. The class of drugs that presented the most interactions was psychotropic drugs. A relevant frequency of interactions was identified by the present study, being the class of psychotropic drugs the most evident and interactions of medium severity the most found, which may be responsible for lowering the clinical condition of patients and the need of possible additional interventions. The data presented may contribute as epidemiological indicators, guiding corrective actions, aiming at the welfare of patients.


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How to Cite

Identification and characterisation of potential drug interaction in a Hospital in Jundiai, Sao Paulo State. (2023). Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 58.