Dalkurd FF

being an Uppsala club during a pandemic


  • Tiago Duarte Dias Universidade Federal Fluminense




Sweden, Kurdish diaspora, COVID-19, football


As the whole world struggles with the appearance of a large-scale pandemic, individuals and institutions begin to cope with the perspective of both short and long-term changes to their plans. What had been planned out by many during January and February of 2020, no longer became feasible already during the following months. Thus, with the impossibility of knowing for how long this situation will persist, both individuals and institutions have changed their plans with a focus on when the situation will reverse to a degree of normalcy. This article aims to briefly understand and analyses the strategies centered around a Swedish football club founded by Kurdish individuals regarded to the consequences of the coronavirus crisis in the country. Both fans and employees at the club have changed their strategies regarding the first year they would be playing in their new hometown of Uppsala. The author will argue that, although, the crisis has changed their strategy and hampered their plans of becoming a local institution, it has not, in fact, changed their plans to be an integrated part of the city, but it has provided the club with newer opportunities to do so.


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Articles and Essays

How to Cite

Dias, T. D. (2020). Dalkurd FF: being an Uppsala club during a pandemic. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 29(supl), 105-113. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9133.v29isuplp105-113