Multi-sited digital ethnography: young university students studying at home during the days of covid-19


  • Jorge Alberto Meneses Cárdenas Universidad del Mar



Young university students, Digital ethnography, Hybrid tools, Homeschool


The work shows a multi-sited digital ethnography that links the practices and knowledges of young university students from the Universidad del Mar, to show various homeschool situations, articulated with digital platforms during the covid-19 quarantine.In the introduction I propose how I delimited the investigation. In the second section I present the young people. Then I share the methodological strategies that I built. In the fourth I expose the ethnographic temporality. Later, I point out various socio-digital situations from Huatulco. In the next two I present experiences about situated disconnections and connections, as well as various socio-digital knowledges. Finally, I present some preliminary conclusions to place this work as part of a stage in the research process.


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Author Biography

  • Jorge Alberto Meneses Cárdenas, Universidad del Mar

    Research assistant at the Univeristy del Mar, Huatulco, México. Phd in Latinamerican studies and master in Political Sociology. 


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How to Cite

Meneses Cárdenas, J. A. (2020). Multi-sited digital ethnography: young university students studying at home during the days of covid-19. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 29(2), e175177.