"WELCOME TO ADDIS ABABA. he vibrant diplomatic capital of Africa": tensions and political representations from urban planning in contemporary Ethiopia





diplomacy, Monuments, African politics


Seeking to identify the symbolic components that built the self-proclaimed title of Ethiopia as the diplomatic capital of Africa, we will analyze the physical and narrative constructions listed in the project of elaboration of the capital, Addis Ababa, throughout its modernization process in the 20th century. Especially during the 1960s, focusing on the transformation process of the prison building Alem Bekagn into a memorial, also to the international relations on the continent, and the role of the Ethiopian government in the context of African independence amid the articulations of the first intercontinental blocs.


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Dossiê: Imagens Urbanas em Contextos Africanos

How to Cite

Wahbeh, J. (2023). "WELCOME TO ADDIS ABABA. he vibrant diplomatic capital of Africa": tensions and political representations from urban planning in contemporary Ethiopia. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 32(1), e205159. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9133.v32i1pe205159