Soccer, poetry and drama: the spectacle


  • Renata Pallottini Universidade de São Paulo



soccer, theater, poetry, drama, fiction.


What would be necessary so that one can say that a soccer game resembles, in some way, a theatrical, poetic, emotional
spectacle? The article proposes a free ride through the history of different types of theater and the changes that occurred
along the years. The author reminds that there is, since the half of last century, a clear division that put the dramatic theater and epic theater into opposite fields, the rigorous drama against the almost completely free text, Aristotle against Brecht. She introduces again reasons why it can be stated that there are certain moments
in soccer that approach it even more to the theatrical spectacle, dance, comedy and drama.


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Author Biography

  • Renata Pallottini, Universidade de São Paulo
    Professora titular da Universidade de São Paulo. É doutora (1982) e graduada em Artes Cênicas (1964) e em Direito (1953) pela Universidade de São Paulo, e em Filosofia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1951). Tem experiência na área de Comunicação, com ênfase em Artes Cênicas.



How to Cite

Pallottini, R. (2009). Soccer, poetry and drama: the spectacle. Comunicação & Educação, 14(3), 57-62.