Can directed credit to investment exacerbate fiscal dominance?




Fiscal dominance, Directed credit, DSGE models


This paper analyzes whether the use of directed (subsidized) investment credit can aggravate
fiscal dominance. For this, we use a new-Keynesian model with subsidy in the acquisition of
capital goods to firm producing capital goods. The results show that the increase in subsidy
forces the government to use inflationary tax to adjust its budget (fiscal dominance), but this
effect is very short term, following a sharp cut in current government spending, adjusting the
primary surplus leading to the economy recession.


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Author Biography

  • Celso José Costa Junior, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa

    Professor. Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa


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How to Cite

Costa Junior, C. J., & Marques Junior, K. (2019). Can directed credit to investment exacerbate fiscal dominance?. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 49(3), 501-538.