Teachers and quality of life: reflections on the valuation of teaching in elementary education





Education Policies, Teaching Valuation, Career and teahers’ quality of life


The article starts from the definition of the concept of teacher valuation articulated with the quality of teaching and teachers’ quality of life. It problematizes, specifically, the second dimension, analyzing the career from the perspective of teachers’ perception of professional valuation and quality of life in two municipal education systems in the state of Paraná (Brazil): Piraquara and São José dos Pinhais. It is a double case study of two cities with different economic contexts, one with greater resources for education and the other with less. The study consists of a documental analysis of the Planos de Carreira e Remuneração [Career and Remuneration Plans] and a survey on teachers’ perception of the conditions of their career and quality of life. It is noteworthy that the survey had a statistically meaningful sample of teachers from each municipal school system. Among the conclusions, it was confirmed that the perception concerning the valuation of teachers is related to remuneration increase, valuation of qualifications, significant starting salary and work conditions, highlighting the number of students assisted. A new element observed is the need of a valuation policy that has clear objective and agile career procedures as conditions for safety and predictability for building a perception of quality of life conditions.


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How to Cite

Teachers and quality of life: reflections on the valuation of teaching in elementary education. (2020). Educação E Pesquisa, 46, 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1678-4634202046219060