Football, the Brazilian and the media


  • Isabella Pinheiro Bonafonte University Nove de Julho (Uninove)



Soccer, Football Team, Brazil, Journal


Today, soccer is the most popular sport in Brazil, people everywhere express their passion in different and amazing ways. However wasn’t always that way. Before, the sports news that had most space on the newspaper was about turf for example, and soccer didn’t mean nothing for the brazilian population. But when Charles Miler got back to Brazil, bringing a ball, he brought with her the sport that got rooted in the country. As many people say “It's not just football”, nowadays, that old and elite soccer that Charles Miller brought was molded and adjusted with features that are truly brazilian. That relationship will be the study object of this project, just like the relationship created between soccer and the newspaper, that was the communication channel by the time soccer came to Brazil.


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Author Biography

  • Isabella Pinheiro Bonafonte, University Nove de Julho (Uninove)

    Technical course in Visual Communication by Etec Doctor Maria Auguta Saraiva. Graduation in Social Communication - Journalism by the University Nove de Julho (2018.1). Webmaster of


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How to Cite

Bonafonte, I. P. (2019). Football, the Brazilian and the media. Revista Extraprensa, 12, 906-920.