Hydrogeochemistry of the Crystalline Aquifer System in the South of the state of Espírito Santo – Brazil





Groundwater, Fractured aquifers, Itapemirim River Watershed


The groundwater demand in the state of Espírito Santo (Brazil) has been growing considerably due to the events of drought in recent years. However, the lack of hydrogeological knowledge compromises water-well location and the prediction of the quality of water, mainly where crystalline rocks occur. This work aimed to evaluate the hydrogeochemical and groundwater quality of the Crystalline Aquifer System in the Itapemirim River Watershed (BHRI), located in the Southern part of Espírito Santo, describing the compositional variations and the conditioners that control groundwater quality. The lithological and geomorphological compartmentalization of the watershed in addition to climatic conditions are the factors that influence the groundwater geochemistry
at a regional scale, while the land use and occupation exert a local influence. In the Upper BHRI portion, with steep relief and predominance of farming, there are mainly low-mineralized calcic bicarbonated and calcic-magnesian bicarbonated waters with components provided by the weathering of metamorphic and igneous silicate rocks. Although these are good quality waters, local changes can occur due to the presence of nitrate from human activities. In the Medium BHRI portion, with softer relief and lower topographic altitudes, groundwater is mainly of sodium chlorinated and sodium bicarbonated types, more mineralized due to the contribution of silicate rocks in association with carbonated lithotypes, such as marbles and calcium-silicate rocks. The climatic conditions, with higher temperatures and lower air humidity in the central area of the basin, which is topographically lower, can also contribute to mineral enrichment due to the evaporation of water in the soil.


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How to Cite

Neves, M. A. ., Oliveira, M. S. M. de ., Calegari, S. S. ., Bertolo, R. A., Hirata, R. C. A. ., & Caxito, F. de A. . (2021). Hydrogeochemistry of the Crystalline Aquifer System in the South of the state of Espírito Santo – Brazil. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 21(4), 31-47. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9095.v21-168752

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