The role of social representations and of education in the development of gender identity


  • Cléria M.L.B Bueno Universidade de Franca; Departamento de Psicologia



Genders, Subjectivity, Identity, Social Representation, Education, Prevention


This article is an adaptation of the doctoral dissertation submitted to the Post- Graduation Program in Social Work at UNESP (São Paulo's State University). In this article I try to understand in what way identities and gender representations are connected, taking into account that in many ways the true individual identity is not reflected in the latter, although it is a socially recognized construction accepted by the majority of individuals. One of the implications of this situation concerns the unequal view based on different social levels that attribute to men and women strict conducts that may be crystallized in anti-social attitudes, producing some disorders such as physical and symbolical violence. The objective is to create the possibility of discussing that and acting not only in schools but also in social environments, taking the gender prospect to them, recognizing it as one more category of analysis with different theoretical versions, and defending the right to diversity. The discussion broadens the recognition and prevention of attitudes and behaviors that can cause some disorders that delay the individual's emotional and psychical development, thus affecting all the collectivity in which he/she lives.


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