Health promoting schools


  • Vanessa Cardoso IELUSC; Associação Educacional Bom Jesus
  • Ana Paula dos Reis IELUSC; Associação Educacional Bom Jesus
  • Solange Abrocesi Iervolino IELUSC; Associação Educacional Bom Jesus



Health, Health promotion, Health education, Health promoting schools


This work was developed in the municipality of Araquari. Twenty-two teachers from two schools in the municipality participated in the survey. The schools are located in the catchment area of two teams of the family health strategy. The objective was to propose a process of continuing education so that schools become health promoters, through the identification of the teachers' perception regarding the topics: health, health promotion and education, and the need for qualification in the same themes. The tool used for data collection was a semi-structured questionnaire, with open and closed questions; the answers were analyzed through the method of thematic analysis proposed by Minayo. It was possible to see that the teachers' concept of health is limited to physical well-being, and that their concept of health education is restricted to the transmission of information about hygiene care. Teachers are interested in receiving qualification in issues related to diseases. Moreover, there is no strategy for addressing the risks found in the school environment, despite the fact that the physical space is identified by the teachers as inadequate and as the main reason for accidents. Therefore, the authors believe that there is immediate need for a process of continuing education, so that teachers can expand their concepts of health and work with the principles of the Health Promoting School, in support of the quality of life of all who attend the school environment.


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