Verification of the functional abilities and assistance needs of children with cerebral palsy


  • Dafne Herrero Universidade Cidade de São Paulo
  • Carlos B M Monteiro Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas



Cerebral palsy, Infantile development, Physiotherapy, Early intervention, Function, Assessment


INTRODUCTION: Cerebral Palsy is a movement and posture disorder caused by events occurring during pregnancy, childbirth, the neonatal period or during the first two years of life. Its main characteristic is the body's inability to efficiently face the effects of gravity. Due to the motor alterations, the participation of the physiotherapist in the interdisciplinary team is important. Assessment of the difficulties in cerebral palsy should take place to enable a better organization of the physiotherapeutic program. OBJETIVE: To analyze the constraints on the functional abilities and the assistance needs of children with cerebral palsy up to 18 months of age. METHODS: Seven children with a medical diagnosis of cerebral palsy, with ages between 10 and 18 months, mean age corresponding to one year and two months, were assessed. The assessment occurred by means of P.E.D.I. and the gross and normative scores in the areas of functional abilities and caregiver's assistance were analyzed. Results: The mobility area was the one in which the children with cerebral palsy had more difficulties; thus, they needed more assistance in movements and postures. CONCLUSION: In spite of the alterations in the neuromotor components observed in risk children, the same children end up developing motor strategies that allow them to perform functional activities; for example, the situations cited in the self-care area. The caregivers, guided by the physiotherapist, can propose the means that will benefit the child's function, his/her participation in the activity and communication development.


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