Endanghed lives: a reflexion about the relation between gestations number and maternal mortality


  • Vânia Muniz Néquer Soares Secretaria de Estado
  • Néia Schor Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de saúde; Departamento de Saúde Materno-infantil
  • Carlos Mendes Tavares Instituto Nacional de Estatística




Pregnancy, multiparity, maternal mortality, reproductive risk


This study had as objective to identify the risk and the factors associated to the multigesta's maternal mortality (gesta >; 5). It describes the tendency of the Total Fertility Rate (TFT) and of the Maternal Mortality Ratio (RMM) between 1998 to 2004 in Paraná. It presents an 822 maternal deaths analysis in this period, the calculation of the Specific Maternal Mortality Ratio, the Relative Risk, the frequency and the Odds Ratio for some variables, according to number of gestations. Analyzes also the causes and the prevent way the maternal deaths. The results aimed low TFT (1.8 children by woman) and to RMM elevated (69,7/100.000 been born alive) in Paraná in 2004. A quarter of the 822 maternal deaths (206) was of multigestas (gesta >; 5), the maternal death relative risk was six times higher than for the women with to two gestations, and the profiles sociodemographic and the reproductive one were more unfavorable for that group of women. Incomplete schooling, equal age or above 30 years and less than four prenatal medical consultations presented association with the most greatest number of gestations. The deaths proportion by indirect obstetric causes, hemorrhages and abortion was bigger between the multigestas and around 90% of the deaths of this group was considered avoidable. It concluded that monitoring of the multigestas with advanced age and in social disadvantage, as well as effective actions of family planning, and obstetric service qualified for high risk gestation are measures that can contribute for reduction of the maternal mortality in Paraná.


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