Analysis of the opportunities (affordances) for motor development in the home environment in Ceará - Brazil


  • Francisco Salviano Sales Nobre Laboratório de Crescimento e Desenvolvimento Motor Humano
  • Cícero Luciano Alves Costa Laboratório de Crescimento e Desenvolvimento Motor Humano
  • Djevan Lopes de Oliveira Laboratório de Crescimento e Desenvolvimento Motor Humano
  • Débora Azevedo Cabral Laboratório de Crescimento e Desenvolvimento Motor Humano
  • Glauber Carvalho Nobre Laboratório de Crescimento e Desenvolvimento Motor Humano
  • Priscila Caçola Texas A & M University; Motor Development Lab



environment, child development, social class


Current literature in early childhood emphasizes a strong influence of environmental stimuli on motor skill development. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the opportunities for motor development in different socioeconomic home environments in the state of Ceara, Brazil. The study used the AHEMD (Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development) questionnaire with 128 caregivers of children between ages 18 to 42 months. The results appeared to be concerning, showing a prevalence of architectural structures that are unfavorable for motor development, and also for showing an insufficient number of materials that can stimulate gross- and fine-motor development. This study suggests that children's motor development must be assessed in order to detect if there is an association between affordances in the home environment and motor development, and if it is, an approximation of civil engineering, architecture and physical education areas could possibly find solutions for that problem. In addition, it suggests a need of a new career, where professionals who work with human movement can best indicate the acquisition of materials for developing children's gross- and fine-motor coordination.


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