
  • Ivo de Santana
  • Climene Laura de Camargo



Racism, Children and work, Family.


This article deals withcertam aspects ofthe childhood andadolescence of black executives working in banking institutions m Salvador (state of Bahia) and attempts to urderstand the events that occurred during these penods and their relation to the executives’ route of social ascent in order to underst~md the reality of these people. Case studies and life stories were the methods used in this study. The results of the study reveal that ali the executives in the study group came from low income families and that theirparents were the main stimulators oftheir social ascent by encouragmg education and qualification. Racial discrimination was shown to be the main obstacle to their ascent and was confronted with specihc and individual responses, guided by ‘a desire to be the best in order to be accepted as an equal’. The study demonstrates
the uneven way in which blacks become part ofthe process of social ascent, and how the route of ascent purposely eliminates the black cultural values of the small number of individuais who
manage to reach high positions in the institutions, preferring the white as an identity model.

Author Biographies

  • Ivo de Santana
    Mestrando em Administração de Empresas e Comércio Exterior pela Universidad de Extremadura
  • Climene Laura de Camargo
    Doutora em Saúde Pública pela Faculdade de Saude Pública - USP, Professora da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal da Bahia


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