
  • Elaine Pedreira Rabinovich
  • Ana Maria Almeida Carvalho




way of living, mother-child relationship, independent walking.


Data on independent walking age of 60 children aged 0-12 months living in the city of São Paulo were cross-analysed with some aspects of the physical and psychological organization
of the home enviromnent: presence/absence of physical and of mother-controlled conditions favouring the child’s exploratory behaviour. An analysis scheme is proposed in which the concepts of attachment and autonomy, relative to the mother-child relationship, are linked to the concepts of “place” and “space”, relative to the organization of the home environment; and both these dimensions are understood as the expression of a “developmental system” including the basic
psycho-biological organization of the mother-child dyad and its susceptibility to the belief systems and the concrete living conditions within which development takes place. A comparison with the child-rearing practices and environmental organization in a hunter-gatherer society (the Kalahari !Kungs) is used to highlight the concept of developmental system.

Author Biographies

  • Elaine Pedreira Rabinovich
    Centro de Estudos do Crescimento e Desenvolvimento Humano/Faculdade de Saúde Pública-USP; Laboratório de Psicologia Sócio-Ambiental e intervenção- LAPSI/lnstituto de Psicologia-USP. Apoio Fapesp.
  • Ana Maria Almeida Carvalho
    Instituto de Psicologia-USP. Pesquisador-bolsista do CNPq/apoio FAPESP.


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