
  • Evenice S. Chaves



adolescence, poor adolescent, everyday life, ways of life, meanings.


Adolescence has been described and explained from two points of view: lhe nonhistorical and the culturally situated ones. The present study was guided by lhe cultural standpoint, which admits lhe existence of “adolescentes”. Intending to describe ways of life, meanings attributed to everyday events and life projects of nine poor adolescents, information was collected through interviews. The analysis and interpretation of the obtained reports indicated that the adolescents live with their families in violent neighborhoods; they experience domestic
violence and affective loneliness; they do housework, independent of gender; they view the school as a place for playing and building friendships; they reject conducts that disqualify the other; they have life projects concerned with their career and family constitution. Some of them expressed peculiarities such as fear, insecurity and concern about the future, originated from the violence situations to which they were subjected, or that were observed by them. Differently
from the upper-classes adolescents, they are not submitted yet to consumerist appeals.

Author Biography

  • Evenice S. Chaves
    Mestre em Psicologia, Professora Titular II do curso de Psicologia - Departamento de Gências Humanas Universidade Salvador


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