
  • Daniela C. Levandowski
  • Cesar A. Piccinini



adolescent, fatherhood, literature, review.


Adolescent fatherhood is a complex situation, as it requires that the adolescent copes with two influential processes: adolescence and fatherhood. The aim of this study was to revise the studies on adolescent fatherhood, focusing especially on their social, educational, economic, family and personal dimensions and their consequences for father-baby interaction. Although many studies portray the adolescent father in a negative way, recent studies seem to indicate that the differences between adolescents and adults are due to social and economic factors rather than to the father’s age. Besides, the adolescents seem to be actively involved in the paternal role, which brings direct and indirect benefits to the baby. It is important that this phenomenon is
better understood so that public health policies of both prevention and assistance to these adolescents may be implemented, in order to protect not only the adolescent mothers and fathers, but especially the baby.

Author Biography

  • Daniela C. Levandowski
    Doutora em psicologia, mestre de conferênc ia associada à Universidade de Toulouse le Mirail, perito psicólogo


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