From Dr. Frankenstein's Creature Spark of life to Dr. Jekyll's Metamorphosis: The Influence of Victorian Horror Tales and the Role of Science in stereotype creation and consolidation


  • Rosangela de Almeida Pertile Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Instituto de Bioquímica Médica



history of knowledge, history of science, 19th century, stereotype, horror tales


In technological and scientific advances described in the horror tales of the 19th century, a society that was still unaware of the mechanisms of action of science, was astonished by the likelihood between science and the causes of evils of the time. Pests, unknown experiences, other ethnicities, caused fear in society.

Invisible communities were pushed into dirty and unhealthy ghettos, they were outcasts as a counterpoint from a progressive, wealthy, white and educated society.. In these ghettos lived the miserables, the monsters, that is, everyone who can represent, in some way, the enemy of society outlined with the achievements of the progress of science and technology.


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How to Cite

Pertile, R. de A. (2023). From Dr. Frankenstein’s Creature Spark of life to Dr. Jekyll’s Metamorphosis: The Influence of Victorian Horror Tales and the Role of Science in stereotype creation and consolidation. Khronos, 15, 103-121.