From Silent Movies to Sound 3D - a brief reflection on public and film industry


  • Rosana Stefanoni USP



Sound Cinema, 3D, Exhibition, Film language


With the release of tridimensional sound movie theatres around the world, we can be close to a film language transformation. The dynamic between public demand and the triade production/distribution/exhbition exists since the early cinema, it is responsible for the establishment of today’s exhibition model
and for the cinematography language itself. This article intends to show how did the dynamics between public, production and exhibition, mostly regarding to sound achievements, enhanced the film development until the consolidation of sound cinema.


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Author Biography

  • Rosana Stefanoni, USP
    Mestranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Meios e Processos Audiovisuais da ECA-USP, sob a orientação do Prof. Dr. Eduardo Vicente, formou-se pelo Curso Superior de Audiovisual da ECA-USP em 2010, tendo se especializado em roteiro, montagem e som. Entrou na carreira sonora em 2008, no estúdio Casablanca Sound. Sob a supervisão de som de Luiz Adelmo, fez o foley de diversas produções do cinema e da TV como: “Corpos Celestes” (Marco Jorge, 2011); “Meu País” (André Ristum, 2011); “O Palhaço” (Selton Mello, 2011); e as séries “9mm: São Paulo” (Michael Ruman, 2009/2011) e “Sessão de Terapia” (Selton Mello, 2012). Atualmente, junto com Alan Zilli, forma o Departamento de Som da produtora O2.






How to Cite

From Silent Movies to Sound 3D - a brief reflection on public and film industry. (2012). Novos Olhares, 1(2), 96-104.