The animal origin of god: Flávio de Carvalho and the artist as an ethnographer of the mind




Cultural critique, Ethnographic surrealism, Literary Anthropology


The main objective of this article is to problematize the dialogical dimension between ethnography and art in the work of Flávio de Carvalho. By focusing his posthumous book A origem animal de deus (1973), we will seek to investigate the ethnographic instance as it was understood by Carvalho’s surrealism; not only as a practice circumscribed by a single writing genre, but also as a form of world perspective, a theoretical space of the reinvention of tradition, a method of knowledge production and cultural critique.


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Author Biography

  • Augusto Guimaraens Cavalcanti, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
    Doutor em Ciências Sociais pela PUC-Rio, tendo defendido a tese “Surrealismo no Brasil: A origem animal de deus, O púcaro búlgaro e Invenção de Orfeu: Flávio de Carvalho, Campos de Carvalho e Jorge de Lima” em 2015.2, com orientação de Maria Isabel Mendes de Almeida e coorientação de Paulo Henriques Britto. É poeta, ensaísta e romancista, tendo publicado, dentre outros: Fui à Bulgária procurar por Campos de Carvalho (2012, 7Letras) e Máquina de fazer mar (2016, 7Letras).



How to Cite

Cavalcanti, A. G. (2017). The animal origin of god: Flávio de Carvalho and the artist as an ethnographer of the mind. Plural, 24(1), 270-294.