Coordinated performances and shared experiences in legal mobilization in environmental conflicts

John Dewey’s pragmatism contribution


  • Cristiana Losekann Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo



Mobilization of law, Justice system, Collective action, Pragmatism, Environmental conflicts


In this article we review the studies of the Political Process Theory and the Legal Mobilization Theory, pointing out the promising analytical schemes of these two approaches, but also noting the problems and absences of these theories regarding the observations we have learned from our fieldwork in environmental conflicts. Thus, we propose introducing John Dewey’s pragmatist perspective and deepening the concept of performance to understand how interactions between actors in these conflicts occur and how they can create coping coalitions. Thinking about litigation interactions from the key coordinated performances constituted by shared experiences of the problem can be useful for understanding confrontation through relational mechanisms that create important contestation processes in Brazil in recent decades.


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Author Biography

  • Cristiana Losekann, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

    Doutora em Ciência Política pela UFRGS e Professora da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.


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Dossiê: "Campo jurídico e política"

How to Cite

Losekann, C. (2019). Coordinated performances and shared experiences in legal mobilization in environmental conflicts: John Dewey’s pragmatism contribution. Plural, 26(2), 174-199.