Violence against women and the 1970s feminist movement in the USA based on Nancy Fraser and Angela Davis




feminisms, violence against women, Nancy Fraser, Angela Davis, racism


Analyzing the USA’s feminism struggle in the 1970s, Nancy Fraser (1985; 1988; 1989) reports the process by which the activists determined domestic violence against women as a genuinely political issue. Through a struggle for the interpretation of women's needs, they broke with the individual discourse that naturalized this violence. On the other hand, Angela Davis (1981; 1984) also conducted a careful analysis of the same movement. She highlights that, although the activism which aimed to eliminate the violence against women through a renewal of the public discourse about this issue was necessary, it was insufficient in its principle because it disregarded the racial issue as the foundation of this type of violence, which resulted in a type of activism that occluded non-white women. Thus, based on the works of Fraser and Davis, the aim is to carry out an analysis of these feminist mobilizations, the potentials and limitations of the women’s struggles in their political and epistemological aspects.


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Author Biography

  • Barbara Soares, Universidade de São Paulo

    Doutoranda em Ciência Política, na área de Teoria Política, pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP), instituição pela qual também é mestra. Bolsista pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior(CAPES).Integrante da Coletiva GIRA, Grupo de estudos-intervenção antirracista e anticolonial e do Grupo de Estudos de Política e Teoria Crítica (USP), ministrado pelo Prof. Dr. Rúrion Melo. E-mail:


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Marxism, feminism and social theory

How to Cite

Soares, B. (2021). Violence against women and the 1970s feminist movement in the USA based on Nancy Fraser and Angela Davis. Plural, 28(2), 90-110.