The rise of China and the strategic disputes in the dominant groups of the United States


  • Gabriel Esteban Merino Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Historical-Spatial Transition, China, United States, Hegemony, Nuestra América


The world system is in historical-spatial transition. The crisis of hegemony is reflected in a set of conflicts in which the dominant powers fail to impose themselves, as well as in the change in the hierarchies of the interstate system and in the profound transformations of the world economy. Faced with this situation, different imperial responses arise and the polarization between strategic political projects in the United States deepens, in relation to a fracture in its "establishment" or power groups, political forces and ruling classes. In this sense, this article examines central aspects of geopolitics and the disputed strategies in the United States against the rise of China and the decline of its relative power. To do this, we analyze the imperial reconfigurations underway since the triumph of Donald Trump, when there is a nationalist-Americanist turn, contrary to globalist forces. In addition, key elements of China's rise, its geopolitical aspects and its responses to the dominant geostrategies of Washington are observed. Finally, a reflection is made on the historical crossroads that Our America faces in the current transition.


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Author Biography

  • Gabriel Esteban Merino, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

    P.h.D in Social Sciences, Professor at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), and Coordinator of  the "China y el mapa del poder mundial” Work Group at CLACSO.


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How to Cite

Merino, G. E. (2020). The rise of China and the strategic disputes in the dominant groups of the United States. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 19(37), 44-77.