The streets are ours (and the images, too)




Feminismo, Photography, Performance, Visual Studies, Abortion


This essay addresses a series of images –taken by groups of photographers-activists– of the mobilizations that have occurred in Argentina since the emergence of the feminist tide in 2015 and around the claim for the safe, legal and free abortion law sanctioned in 2020. From a theoretical-critical perspective but also from the experience of belonging to Ni Una Menos, this paper explores feminist visuality as a way of representation and visibility of the tide in the public space, but also as a tool for self-representation, linked to the massiveness of the movement in the new millennium, the street occupation and digital intervention, the interruptions in the patriarchal narrative. The main claim is that feminism is being constituted as an apparatus of intelligibility, that is, as a way of speaking, of creating images, to read and to see the world. This relationship between word and image also implies a political-aesthetic intervention, which makes strategic use of performativity and implies a distinctive way of making the present and the future.


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Author Biography

  • Paola Cortes Rocca, Universidad Nacional de las Artes

     Licenciada en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, master degree y PhD por Princeton University, realizó estudios de postdoctorado en University of Southern California. Correo:


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How to Cite

Rocca, P. C. . (2023). The streets are ours (and the images, too). Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 22(46), 207-227.