ypertensive anterior uveitis after bee sting: a case report





Uveitis, Ophthalmology, Case report, Glaucoma, Hymenoptera


Uveitis is the inflammation of the uveal tract, which can cause reduced visual acuity (VA) and blindness. Its diagnosis and treatment must be done earlier in order to avoid secondary inflammatory glaucoma, a feared complication. Hymenoptera bites are a rare and rarely reported cause of uveitis, that due to the type 1 hypersensitivity reaction triggered by the peptide toxins released by these insects. The article shows the case of a 67-year-old man who presented with reduced VA and pain in his right eye after bee stings. Although adequate treatment with corticosteroids and antibiotics was instituted, the patient evolved with worsening of the condition and hypertensive anterior uveitis due to non-adhesion to the therapy, anti-inflammatory and anti-glaucoma drugs were, therefore, used to prevent permanent vision loss, showing good answer.


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Author Biographies

  • Carlos Eduardo Ximenes da Cunha, Centro Universitário Tiradentes

    Interno(a) de Medicina do Centro Universitário Tiradentes Maceió-Alagoas. 

  • Marina Viegas Moura Rezende Ribeiro , Centro Universitário Tiradentes

    Doutora em Ciências da Saúde, Professora do Centro Universitário Tiradentes Maceió-Alagoas; Especialista em Oftalmologia.

  • Ana Ramalho Gameleira Soares, Instituto de Olhos de Maceió

    Especialista em Oftalmologia, Instituto de Olhos de Maceió (IOM), Maceió-Alagoas.

  • Laís Rytholz Castro , Centro Universitário Tiradentes

    Interno(a) de Medicina do Centro Universitário Tiradentes Maceió-Alagoas.

  • João Vitor de Omena Jucá, Centro Universitário Tiradentes

    Médico pelo Centro Universitário Tiradentes Maceió-Alagoas.


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Relato de Caso/Case Report

How to Cite

Cunha, C. E. X. da, Ribeiro , M. V. M. R. ., Soares, A. R. G. ., Castro , L. R., & Jucá, J. V. de O. . (2023). ypertensive anterior uveitis after bee sting: a case report: . Revista De Medicina, 102(1), e-194512. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1679-9836.v102i1e-194512