Scientific Flag Project: history, strategies and results


  • Luiz Fernando Ferraz da Silva Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina, Departamento de Patologia



Delivery of health care/manpower, Expedition, Expeditions/history, Community-institutional relations health care (Public health)


The “Bandeira Científica” is an universitary extension project created in 1957 that annually develops interdisciplinary educational, scientific and health care activities in different cities of Brazil. The project team includes 160 students and 50 professionals working in an interdisciplinary way. It includes (1) a preparatory phase (8 months) to identify cities demands as well as to select and prepare the students and professionals that will take part on the (2) expedition (lasting 10 days) in which they develop health care, scientific data collection and educational activities. These data are the basis of (3) follow-up activities (8 months) with seen face and on distance activities and meetings including the proposition of structural projects to guide public policies. Over the last 14 years “Bandeira Científica” has reached directly more than 45,000 people in 17 municipalities of the country and did count on 1428 undergraduate students who have had the opportunity to experience a completely different reality (than their usual), that represents the reality of much of the country. Partnerships with 22 institutions so far allowed broadening the continuity and replication of the project. Scientific results show optimum level of productivity in the context of an extension project. Although the fact that the positive impact of the project is considerable, we believe that there is always possibilities for improvement, especially in strategies for interdisciplinary action and continuity.


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Author Biography

  • Luiz Fernando Ferraz da Silva, Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina, Departamento de Patologia
    Diretoria do Projeto Bandeira Científica. Faculdade de Medicina da USP – Departamento de Patologia.



How to Cite

Silva, L. F. F. da. (2012). Scientific Flag Project: history, strategies and results. Revista De Medicina, 91(1), 36-43.