Stimmung , by Karlheinz Stockhausen: improvisation, musical notation, experiences and aesthetic interactions and cultural mediations in the ways of making music under the influence of the East and multiple cultures from the second half of the 20th century


  • Diogo Rebel e Carvalho Instituto Federal Fluminense



Stimmung, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Cultural multiplicity, Musical analysis, Musical notation


From the second half of the twentieth century the decline of the representation of sound through traditional notation, especially in Europe, is enhanced by the flourishing of cultural multiplicity and languages and aesthetics, especially from the East. This article aims to examine the processes of creating the work Stimmung, by Karlheinz Stockhausen - admittedly the first Western vocal work based entirely on the production of vocal harmonics - where, from a single height, in a work of about 75 minutes duration, the composer works with sounds that refer to the tradition of exotic rites and ceremonies when interacting with sound and textual elements from various cultural agents.


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Author Biography

  • Diogo Rebel e Carvalho, Instituto Federal Fluminense

    Mestre em Linguagem e Estruturação Musical - Composição pela UNIRIO sob orientação da profª. Drª. Carole Gubernikoff. Graduado em Composição pelo Conservatório Brasileiro de Música, foi aluno de L. C. Csekö, Marcelo Carneiro, Armando Lobo e Bryan Holmes. Técnico em Arranjos Musicais pela Escola de Música Villa-Lobos, estudou com Pauxy Gentil-Nunes e Rycardo Lobo. Atua como professor de Harmonia, Análise, Arranjo e Percepção Musical, no curso de Licenciatura em Música do Instituto Federal Fluminense, em Campos dos Goytacazes. Como compositor participa ativamente de eventos e mostras de música erudita contemporânea. No teatro atua como diretor musical, arranjador e maestro em diversas montagens por todo o Brasil.


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How to Cite

Stimmung , by Karlheinz Stockhausen: improvisation, musical notation, experiences and aesthetic interactions and cultural mediations in the ways of making music under the influence of the East and multiple cultures from the second half of the 20th century. (2022). Revista Música, 22(1), 107-122.