Tonal and descriptive statistical analysis of the creational procedures of Tavinho Moura




Post-tonal musical analysis, Compositional procedures, Computational modeling, Popular song, Corner Club


This article presents results of a research concluded in April 2022, situated at the intersection of tonal musical analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, compositional procedures, and computational modeling. Based on a sample of songs by Tavinho Moura, composer of the Clube da Esquina, our intention was to identify recurrent musical characteristics which could define his style of creation, within the scope of melody, harmony, and rhythm, defining compositional archetypes to establish a compositional system for Tavinho. We created a computational modeling, making a program that emulates compositions alike to Moura’s, upon MAX/MSP platform. We employed literature review, musical analysis, and descriptive-statistical modeling with computational support. Herein, our focus is concentrated on Moura’s compositional system.


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Author Biography

  • Silvio Ferraz, University of Sao Paulo/School of Communications and Arts

    Silvio Ferraz (sp-1959), Full Professor at the Department of Music at the University of São Paulo.
    Between 2002 and 2013 he served as Associate Professor in the music department of the Instituto de Artes da UNICAMP
    In the biennium 2009-2010 he was Pedagogical Director of the School of Music of the State of São Paulo and Director of the Campos do Jordão International Winter Festival.
    Volunteer professor of the graduate program in Music at ECA-USP (2009-2010).
    He coordinated the Musical Language Center (PUCSP), the MusArtS virtual Institute (musica articulata sciencia), the Center for Cultural Integration and Diffusion (NIDIC-UNICAMP) and the Graduate Course in Music at Unicamp (2013).
    He currently coordinates the ECA-USP / Unvieristée Paris 8 Agreement and has participated annually in international conferences as a Lecturer.
    With intense artistic production, since 1985 his works have been constant in Brazilian festivals of contemporary music (Festival Música Nova, Biennial of Contemporary Brazilian Music FUNARTE), Festival d'Automne à Paris 1994, Sonidos de las Americas (Carnegie Hall-N.York , in 1996), Encuentro de Compositores de Chile (Goethe and PUC-Chile).
    Since the 1990s, he has collaborated with international contemporary music groups such as Iktus Ensemble and Het Espectra (Belgium), Contrechamps (Switzerland), Arditti String Quartet and Nash Ensemble (England), New York New Music Ensemble and Ensemble Orpheus (USA), DME (Portugal), Taller de Musica Contemporanea (Chile).
    Author of the books Música e Repetição: aspects of the issue of difference in contemporary music (SP: Educ/ Fapesp, 1997), Livro das Sonoridades (Rio: 7 letras, 2004) and organizer of Notas-AtosGestos (Rio: 7 letras, 2007) .
    Scholarship from Fundação Vitae in 2003, researcher associated with Fapesp and researcher at CNPQ, he develops projects in the field of contemporary musical composition, with emphasis on the study of the implications of the concept of time in late 10th and 21st century music.
    Among his main articles are "Musique et Modulation: vers une poètique du vent" and "La formule de la Ritournelle", published in the reference books on the thought of art in the work of Gilles Deleuze "Agencer les Multiplicités avec Deleuze" (Anne Querrien and Anne Sauvagnargues, eds.) and "Gilles Deleuze: la pensé-musique" (Pascale Criton and J.-M. Chouvel, eds.).


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How to Cite

Tonal and descriptive statistical analysis of the creational procedures of Tavinho Moura. (2022). Revista Música, 22(2), 81-113.