Everyday sounds on fixed media: space, memory and narrative


  • Orlando Scarpa Neto Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




Acousmatic, Everyday life, Musical creation, Electroacoustic music, Fixed media


This paper discusses space, memory and narrative in the perception of recorded everyday sounds. Based on ideas regarding everyday life discussed by Agnes Heller and Michel De Certeau, a concept of everyday sounds proposed. This concept of everyday sounds is used to understand how space, memory and narrative articulate our perception o recorded everyday sounds. Everyday sounds, once fixed on media, create an idea of space a stimulate our memory by referring to the listeners own everyday experience. The relationship between space and memory is the bases of the concept of narrative proposed in this article, where narrative is the general context created in the listeners imagination while listening to recorded everyday sounds. This game between space, memory and narrative is central in the perception of everyday sounds on fixed media and is very distint to how we perceive recorded instrumental sounds. Moreover, this article reflects on some the issues concerning musical creation with everyday sounds.


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How to Cite

Everyday sounds on fixed media: space, memory and narrative. (2023). Revista Música, 23(1), 475-501. https://doi.org/10.11606/rm.v23i1.212040