Rhythmic and cultural relations in “Minuano (Six-eight)”, by Pat Metheny


  • Luan Augusto Langaro Teixeira Universidade de Brasília




Minuano, rhythmic, analysis, composition, Pat Metheny


This work seeks to present an analysis of the rhythmic patterns of the work “Minuano (Six-Eight)”, by the composers Pat Metheny and Lyle Mays, starting from the establishment of a relationship with the music from América Platina, expressed in the very title of the work. The object of study is considered a standard of the jazz repertoire and it could be seen that, in terms of available literature on an analysis of the work, it lacks a detailed approach to its rhythmic section, as well as a contextualization of the concept of the piece in relation to its own composition. The analysis was carried out from an observation of the rhythmic musical material contained in the piece, through its transcription and the concepts of authors such as Cook (2001) and Kolinski (1960). Thus, the intrinsic musical material is used as an object of intercultural significance, forming a conceptual analysis of the work based on its rhythmic patterns and aesthetic conception.


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How to Cite

Rhythmic and cultural relations in “Minuano (Six-eight)”, by Pat Metheny. (2023). Revista Música, 23(1), 503-520. https://doi.org/10.11606/rm.v23i1.212265