
  • Josefa Rouse AIVU Teatro




black feminism, black women, black theater, dramaturgy


This work aims to analyze the representation of the black woman from the works Sortilégio I - Black Mystery (1951) and Sortilégio II - Black Mystery by Zumbi Redivivo (1976/77), written and rewritten by Abdias do Nascimento in the bulge of the Experimental Theater of Black. We will focus in particular on issues concerning female characters (Iphigenia, the Yalorixás and the women's choir). It permeates issues of black feminism and its intersectionalities, the religiosity transposed to theatrical discourse, the affection of the black woman and the place of speech of these women in the national theater. In order to think about its implications in the modern and contemporary theater and to observe how the scene can collaborate to cast another look on its images, from the changes from one work to another, as in the path of the more forceful ifigenia character - even inside. of a controversial stereotype. The research unfolded from a literature review, aiming to point to certain modalities of representation of black women that present themselves as dominant stereotypes, in order to rethink processes of dehumanization lived especially by black women, and point out emancipatory ways that can reveal their subjectivities through the scene.


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Author Biography

  • Josefa Rouse, AIVU Teatro

    Josefa Rouse é atriz no grupo AIVU Teatro; Mestra em Artes Cênicas pelo Instituto de Artes da UNESP – Universidade Estadual Júlio de Mesquita Filho, tendo defendido em 2019 a dissertação: Mais e mais perto de nós: Imagens e personificações da mulher negra no teatro brasileiro dos anos 1940 a 2008, no contexto da experiência cênica e do ativismo das mulheres negras segundo Sortilégio I, Sortilégio III e Sete Ventos; licenciou-se em 2011 em Artes Cênicas pela mesma universidade; e cursa o último semestre de Bacharelado em Filosofia, na UNIFESP – Universidade Federal do Estado de São Paulo.






How to Cite

Rouse, J. (2019). IFIGÊNIA: FROM PROSTITUTE TO HEROIN. Sankofa (São Paulo), 12(23), 51-83. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1983-6023.sank.2019.169148