Africa Central and the Places of Memory of the Atlantic Traffic in at Expense of Maraú: Etnônimos, Ethnicity and Diaspora


  • Cristiane Batista da Silva Santos Universidade do Estado da Bahia



Central Africa, Illegal traffic, Etnônimo, Diaspora


The proposal of this article is to discuss of form articulated two questions related to the illegal Atlantic traffic and the resignation of the Bahian south setting around the town of Maraú, indicating the places of arrival and the memories than there arrived to at the expense of the peninsula in the century XIX. The actions of liberty show so much the strategy of as much as resistance the mapping of those places of arrival. The second purpose is going to discuss like the relations of you change direct elections between the Africa Central and the south of the Bahia with the zimbo and flour of manioc, caused in compensation the entrance of African center in the region that reflected between other you influence, in the cultural manifestations in the Town of Maraú express in the acts denominativos of the places, as the etnônimos and the sociabilities like marks of ethnicity and memory.


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Author Biography

  • Cristiane Batista da Silva Santos, Universidade do Estado da Bahia
    Cristiane Batista da Silva Santos, Doutoranda em Estudos Étnicos e Africanos - CEAO/UFBA, Professora de História da África do Departamento de Ciências Humanas da UNEB.






How to Cite

Santos, C. B. da S. (2013). Africa Central and the Places of Memory of the Atlantic Traffic in at Expense of Maraú: Etnônimos, Ethnicity and Diaspora. Sankofa (São Paulo), 6(10), 63-95.