The past and its point of departure. A review of A luta armada no cinema: ficção, documentário, memória, by Fernando Seliprandy




Brazilian cinema, military dictatorship, armed struggle, Bruno Barreto, Silvio Da-Rin


A luta armada no cinema: ficção, documentário, memória compares two films about the same historical event: the kidnapping of American ambassador Charles Elbrick in 1969 by the Revolutionary Movement 8th October (MR-8) and the National Liberation Alliance (ALN). Through four chapters, Fernando Seliprandy interrogates both the “historical fiction” O que é isso, companheiro? (Bruno Barreto, 1997) and the “documentary” Hércules 56 (Silvio Da-Rin, 2006), in a serious work. The author proposes an original treatment of the strategies used by both films; of the oppositions created by the two narratives; of the “past” that each one of them recreates; and of the possible relations between the images of memory and the context where they were produced


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Author Biography

  • Lúcia Ramos Monteiro
    Lucia Ramos Monteiro has a PhD in Film Studies (2014, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 and Universidade de São Paulo). She worked as lecturer at Paris 3 University (France) and as visiting professor at Universidad de las Artes (Ecuador). She is the co-editor of the book "Yes, it's cinema. Forms and espaces of the moving image" (Campanotto, 2008) and has published a series of articles about cinema and contemporary art, cinema and catastrophe, Jia Zhang-ke, Chinese cinema, Latin American cinema, "post-cinema", the contemporary use of film archive, etc.


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How to Cite

The past and its point of departure. A review of A luta armada no cinema: ficção, documentário, memória, by Fernando Seliprandy. (2016). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 43(45), 340-349.