The eye of the image: meta-aesthetic reflections in Abbas Kiarostami’s cinema


  • Luiz Carlos Oliveira Junior University of São Paulo



Film, Painting, Mirrors, Representation, Metapictures.


The article discusses the meta-aesthetic dimension of Abbas Kiarostami’s work. It contains the analysis of some film sequences in which the Iranian filmmaker offers a reflection on his representational device and its conditions of possibility. The analysis stresses Kiarostami’s dialogue with Western artistic tradition, as one can see in some shots that rework formal patterns of the spatial iconography of the Annunciation (a recurring theme in Italian Renaissance painting), as well as in the central discussions of the film Certified Copy (Copie conforme, 2010), which concern the status of copy and mimesis in the value system of Western art.


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Author Biography

  • Luiz Carlos Oliveira Junior, University of São Paulo

    PhD on Media and Audiovisual Processes at the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo. Currently developing a Post-doctorate research at the Departament of Fine Arts of the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo.


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How to Cite

The eye of the image: meta-aesthetic reflections in Abbas Kiarostami’s cinema. (2016). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 43(45), 44-63.