Body and voice in the contemporary cinema: considerations about Spike Jonze’s movie Her (2013)


  • Henrique Codato Universidade Federal do Ceará



contemporary cinema, voice, body, Jonze


This paper intends to reflect about the film Her (Spike Jonze, 2013), considering the antinomies body /voice; visible/invisible; human/machine. In a dialogue between the theories of cinematic device and psychoanalysis, we will try to demonstrate that the narrative of Her presents a complex correspondence between body and voice. Analyzing the dynamics between the presence of the voice and the absence of Samantha's body on the scene, we seek to discuss about the new economy of forces between image and voice that the film operates. Finally, we intend to focus on the indeterminate boundaries that separate human and machine, since love in Her ceases to be a genuine human ability.


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Author Biography

  • Henrique Codato, Universidade Federal do Ceará

    Post-doctoral fellowship at Universitiy of Ceará State (UFC). 



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Referências Audiovisuais

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How to Cite

Body and voice in the contemporary cinema: considerations about Spike Jonze’s movie Her (2013). (2016). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 43(46), 106-125.