Ontology of digital cinema: the death of cinema and the lead to a smaller cinema





Digital cinema, Identity crisis, Image ontology


The establishment of digital technology has led cinema to an identity crisis. Digital content questions the modes of production, distribution and consumption of institutional or classical cinema. Hence, some authors have proclaimed the death of cinema as it has been known throughout the twentieth century. Thus, this article discusses the theoretical scopes that imply on the acceptance of this identity crisis. Classic concepts of cinema are revisited in the light of the digital cinema breakthrough.


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Author Biography

  • Sebastian Jorge Morales Escoffier, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

    Sebastian Morales, es Doctorando de Investigacion transdisciplinar de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (La Paz, Bolivia). Docente de la materia de Historia de Cine (UMSA). 


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Referências audiovisuais

AVATAR. James Cameron, EE.UU., 2009.

HOMELAND (Iraq Year zero) (Iraq: año cero). Abbas Fahdel, Iraq, 2015.







How to Cite

Ontology of digital cinema: the death of cinema and the lead to a smaller cinema. (2021). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 48(55), 171-189. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-7114.sig.2021.165686