Communicative scenes as stage of tensions: about the impasses that permeate the reciprocal constitution of interlocutors in Papo de Polícia


  • Thales Vilela Lelo Unicampo



Communicative interactions, Politics of sensible, Papo de Polícia


This article has as central issue the tensions that involve the reciprocal construction of subjects as partners in a communicative scene. The empirical object of reference is the first season of the series Papo de Polícia, consisting in seven episodes that were broadcasted in Multishow channel in 2011. The protagonist of this program is the civil policeman Roberto Chaves, who was invited to the "challenge" of staying seven days in the Complexo do Alemão (RJ) in order to report, through a video diary, the experiences on that site and the interaction with the locals. It will perform a reading in the device that supports the plot, their strategies to call the spectator, and their ways of conducting the interactions between the protagonist and his interviewees. Finally, it intends to question the inconsistencies arising from that organization structure of the series through scenes that partially escapes from the script of the season.


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Author Biography

  • Thales Vilela Lelo, Unicampo
    Doutorando em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Mestre em Comunicação Social pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Membro do grupo de pesquisa em Jornalismo, Narrativas e Práticas Comunicacionais (UFOP) e do grupo de estudos em Trabalho, Saúde e Subjetividade (UNICAMP).


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How to Cite

Communicative scenes as stage of tensions: about the impasses that permeate the reciprocal constitution of interlocutors in Papo de Polícia. (2016). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 43(45), 200-219.