"National-foreign" artists in the South-American vanguard (Segall and Xul Solar)


  • Sergio Miceli Universidade de São Paulo




Artist, Society, Art styles, Market


The article compares and contrasts the artistic and professional formations of Laser Segall and Xul Solar abroad, with emphasis on the vicissitudes of their social histories, models of artistic learning in Europe and the aesthetic responses discernable in their output after establishing themselves in their respective art markets in Brazil and Argentina.


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Dossiê - Brasil: Cultura e Sociedade

How to Cite

Miceli, S. (2010). "National-foreign" artists in the South-American vanguard (Segall and Xul Solar) . Tempo Social, 22(1), 67-78. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0103-20702010000100004