International consultancy in expansion and emerging forms of the globalization of managerial exchange and litigation


  • Julio César Donadone Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Núcleo de Sociologia Econômica e das Finanças



Consultancy, Internationalization, Re-contextualization, Consultants and managerial content


I propose a direct study of the social articulations that produce this internationalization of managerial content and the forms of naturalizing it. In order to do this, the study will contribute to an understanding of the growth process in the Brazilian consultancy market, its ways of operating and relationship with all other organizations, thus striving to identify its characteristics and key changes over the decades.


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How to Cite

Donadone, J. C. (2010). International consultancy in expansion and emerging forms of the globalization of managerial exchange and litigation . Tempo Social, 22(1), 101-125.