The precarization of work conditions of journalists in São Paulo segmented by age groups: a professional identity at risk?




Journalism, Precarization, Work conditions, Professional identity


This article starts with the context of productive restructurings in the world of work of journalists, characterized by systematic layoffs and high turnover of professionals in newsrooms. Through the application of two surveys and 15 semi-structured interviews with communicators who were working in the State of São Paulo between December 2015 and January 2017, initially it seeks to assess the impacts of these restructurings on the work conditions of journalists. Next, the data are segmented by age groups, revealing an upward precarization of the most experienced in the sector. It is argued that this trend may be undermining the construction of a professional identity among new generations of reporters.


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Author Biography

  • Thales Vilela Lelo, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais

    Doutor em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas e professor da Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais.


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How to Cite

Lelo, T. V. (2019). The precarization of work conditions of journalists in São Paulo segmented by age groups: a professional identity at risk?. Tempo Social, 31(2), 243-261.