From the empire of looking to the art of seeing


  • João Augusto Frayze-Pereira Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Psicologia



Foucault, Looking, Vision, Vision-thought, Art of seeing


Martin Jay (1986) and John Rajchman (1988) have written essays about the space of vision and of the visual in Foucault´s philosphical work. Although the theme is the same the author´s perspectives are very different. Thus, concerning these two essays, the purpose of this article is to circumscribe another vision about the empire of the gaze and art of seeing in Foucault´s writtings. The relationship between vision and thought is considered under the perspective of problematizations.


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Author Biography

  • João Augusto Frayze-Pereira, Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Psicologia

    Professor do Departamento de Psicologia Social e do Trabalho do Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de São Paulo. 


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HOY, D.C. (ed.). (1986) Foucault: a Critical Reader. Londres, Basil Blackwell.

JAY, M. (l986) In the empire of the gaze: Foucault and the denigration of vision in twentieth-century french thought. In: HOY, D.C. (ed.). Foucault: a Critical Reader. Londres, Basil Blackwell.

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RAJCHMAN, J. (1988) Foucault’s Art of Seeing. October, 44: 89-117.





Foucault - um pensamento desconcertante

How to Cite

Frayze-Pereira, J. A. (1995). From the empire of looking to the art of seeing. Tempo Social, 7(1/2), 151-162.