The social tendency of androginy


  • Nízia Maria Alvarenga Universidade Federal de Uberlândia



Social change, Capitalism, Social values, Androginy


This article analyzes the film Orlando because it is representative of one of the trends which are emerging in the actual process of social changes occurring in the west capitalist societies. The symbolic dimension of these societies comprehends representations such as rationality, objectivity, pragmatism, unpersonalty, utilitarianism, discipline and affective neutrality which constitute the nucleous of the system of predominant social values. A change of this dimension signifies a revolution on the way of social being. Orlando suggests a reconciliation between reason, sensibility, emotions, feelings and phantasy, opening place for a androgynous society presided by the erotic principle. The productive dynamic of the capitalism is substituted by a form of sociability marked by affection and enjoyment of living.


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Author Biography

  • Nízia Maria Alvarenga, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

    Professora do Departamento de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. 


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How to Cite

Alvarenga, N. M. (1997). The social tendency of androginy. Tempo Social, 9(2), 155-164.