Pear propagation with leaf cutting under mist


  • V.R. Sampaio USP; E.S.A. Luiz de Queiroz; Departamento de Agricultura e Horticultura
  • D. Barbin USP; E.S.A. Luiz de Queiroz; Departamento de Matemática e Estatística



Two investigations were realized with pear leaf cuttings putted to rooting under mist. In the first investigation, apical and sub-apical cuttings were taken from the cultivars Seleta, Triunfo, Tenra and Le Conte. In the second, auxin was applied in apical and sub-apical cuttings taken from the Seleta cultivar. The results indicated the following: 1) 30, 60, 61 and 68% were the rooting average for Tenra, Seleta, Triunfo and Le Conte cultivars, respectively; 2) Apical cuttings results in 61% of rooting (26, 70, 72 and 78% to Tenra, Triunfo, Seleta and Le Conte cultivars), otherwise to the sub-apical cuttings were observed 48% of success (34, 50, 50 and 68% to 'Tenra', 'Seleta', 'Triunfo', and 'Le Conte', respectively); 3) The investigation with the Seleta cultivar confirmed the best efficiency in rooting of apical cuttings; 4) Application of auxin did not affect the percentage of rooting in leaf cuttings.


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How to Cite

Sampaio, V., & Barbin, D. (1983). Pear propagation with leaf cutting under mist . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 40(1), 509-517.