Floristic and fitossociological survey of the "Escola Superior de agricultura Luiz de Queiroz" Park


  • R. Gonldenberg USP; ESALQ; Acadêmica de Engenharia Agronômica
  • R.R. Rodrigues USP; ESALQ; Departamento de Botânica
  • B. Essoe USP; ESALQ; Departamento de Botânica



Fitossociological Survey, Forest Management, Parks


The ESALQ park, was criated by Arsenio Puttemans, a belgian architect, in the early 20th century. Today this park has an important cientific and historical purpose and is the Piracicaba city main green area. This work tries to present data of a floristic and fitossociological survey, to advice the management of this important area. All the over 5 cm DBH trees were numbered, measured , identified and mapped . The fitossociological parameters were obteined by FITOPAC software (SHEPHERD, 1988). Three beds were analysed. The first bed, a 382 square meters size one, has 24 species from 13 families, amounting 88 individuals. This area Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H') was 2.53 . The eminent species was Aspidosperma ramiflorum Mull.Arg. The second bed, a 2694 square meters size one, has 33 species from 21 families, amounting 212 individuals. The H' value was 2.68, and the main species were Esenbeckia leiocarpa Engl. and Tipuana tipu (Benth) O.Kuntze. The third bed, a 3786 square meters size one, has 66 species from 28 families, amounting 419 individuals. The H' value was 3.50, and the main species were Aspidosperma cylindrocarpum Mull.Arg.; Machaerium villosum Vog.; CentrolojbiuTn tomentosum Guill. and Myrcia laurotteana Camb.


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How to Cite

Gonldenberg, R., Rodrigues, R., & Essoe, B. (1991). Floristic and fitossociological survey of the "Escola Superior de agricultura Luiz de Queiroz" Park . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 48, 71-107.