Lusophone African poetry: at home and in the diaspora


  • Luzia Garcia do Nascimento Indiana University



When the subject in question is the Lusophone African Literature, one has to bear in mind that there are expatriate people who have moved from their countries and settled in other African countries or even beyond, like Europe and the Americas. For the purpose of illustration one may remember that here in the United States there are colonies of Capeverdeans scattered around the country. The same fact is true of people from other African territories. The consequence is that this dispersion from the homeland provokes unity among them when they are in foreign lands where they start a new life. Considering that nobody forgets his people and country when he is lonely, far from home, it is obvious that homesickness takes place and a way to exteriorize their feelings is through poetry (and Literature in general, of course). On the other hand, there is another aspect which is very important and ought to be focused on: the ideas the person expatriated may espouse through his work. Based on this statement I am going to point out some aspects of the exiled African writers as they are reflected in their Literature. Some are praised and some are denounced in this Literature written by/for African people from the Portuguese speaking countries. 


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Como Citar

Lusophone African poetry: at home and in the diaspora. África, [S. l.], n. 9, p. 147–161, 1986. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2526-303X.v0i9p147-161. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 jun. 2024.