Shape the desire in accordance with the law

the legal translation and the untranslatable of madness in a judicial asylum


  • Túlio Maia Franco Federal University of Rio de Janeiro



Medida de Segurança, Tradução, Etnografia, Desejo, Tratamento


In this paper I devote myself to analyze an ambiguous aspect of the compulsory treatment offered by a forensic hospital: the implication between law and desire.  To comprehend how the legal-therapeutic machinery that manages the mandatory custody creates and works through the relation between the hospital’s inmates and their treatment, I describe, at the first part of this paper, the way patients' wishes are "translated" legally. At the second part, I wrote how the legal assistance team and the clinical one overcome the resistances and difficulties founded by patients to join the community-based treatment outside the hospital, that enables them to be released. Intertwining both pars of this text I show the obstacles founded and the creativity of workers responsible for the inmates’ legal attendance that should guarantee the progress of their criminal proceedings and the workers effort to make their interaction at the meeting possible.


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Articles and Essays

How to Cite

Franco, T. M. (2020). Shape the desire in accordance with the law: the legal translation and the untranslatable of madness in a judicial asylum. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 29(1), 53-73.